Asset Protection 101

If you have prospects up to age 99 who are looking for a crediting rate that is often higher than today’s CD rates, offers tax-deferred growth and passes income tax-free to heirs, while featuring comprehensive protection from creditors, then IAMS has two products that deserve your attention. Many of your clients understand the value of…

Reposition Lazy Assets

Picture this if you would, you get up and start your day just like you would any other day. You make calls to schedule new annuity appointments, you have your initial fact finding appointments, you have your closing appointment, complete paperwork, deposit commission checks in the bank etc, etc. Life is good! All of a…

IRAs are Changing Next Year!

Do you know how IRAs are changing in 2015? Whole New IRA Option: The name of the new option is “myRA” and it’s a Roth IRA account that isn’t connected to your employer. Fully guaranteed by the federal government, this account will be available to those with an individual income of less than $129,000 annually…